Agronomic Highlights
Kaup Agronomics offers you many ways to help you make the correct decisions for your cropping situation. Using economic threshold levels, we can help you make treatment decisions for weed and insect control in your crops. Weekly scouting of your fields ensures correct timing of pesticide applications. Monitoring the population and overall health of your field will make sure that your equipment is working to perfection and that your variety or hybrid is performing up to its capabilities. Individual field spreadsheets allow you to keep track of costs and set a realistic marketing price. All of these services will help you make the best decision possible.
Fertility Management
Maximizing yield is the goal in crop production. New hybrids require more potash as well as nitrogen in the late stages, to build a strong stalk and help prevent green snap. To supply adequate potash to the plant, the soil reserves should be high enough to mineralize what the plant needs for ear fill. To get there, make sure you use good soil tests. Then apply the amounts needed so the plant is not short of potash when demand is high.
Tissue testing along with soil testing will verify the results. This is really critical if corn stalks were baled off the field. Nutrients removed are worth $30.00 per ton per acre to replace. The amount of nutrients removed per ton = N 17#, P 4#, K 34#, S 3#. We really need to manage the potash to ensure adequate supplies to maximize yields. For nitrogen, we can use a late season nitrate test to show what is left in the stalk. This will give us a reading to use. This reading will tell us if we are short, adequate, or excessive on nitrogen. Any questions, call us and we will explain this further.
Manure Management
We offer manure management for permitted feedlots. This includes the record keeping that is associated with feedlot permits. We can also do all the paperwork except the engineering portion for a new or modification to the existing feedlot. We have taken training by the NRCS to help you get reimbursements for Equip money to pay for manure management. We will guide and assist in any way to make your paper work less stressful.
Certified TSP, Greg Freudenburg
- Cap 102 Paperwork for NRCS Equip Money
- Equip Paperwork from NRCS for 590 & 633 Money Reimbursements
Permit Renewals
Annual Budget Sheets
- Manure Application Rates
- Soil Sampling
- Manure Sampling
- Commercial Fertilizer Application Rates
- Yields
Record Keeping
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Yearly
Nitrogen Management
In a perfect world, a corn crop would utilize 100% of the nitrogen that has been applied to the field. We know that doesn’t happen, but we can get close. Nitrogen is a major component of high yield corn production. We know corn is the most efficient at absorbing nitrogen starting at the V5 to V7 stage. If we apply Nutrisphere to our pre-plant liquid to a growing corn crop it will give you a yield advantage over conventional nutrient programs. The application of nitrate prior to high crop demand has proven to increase yield. Plus nitrate’s stability on the soil surface is superior to all other nitrogen forms. Urea cannot out yield Nitrate when used in a high management corn crop.