
Enlist E3 Soybeans are herbicide tolerant to the following
- Enlist Duo
- Enlist One (2-4D Choline)
- Glyphosate (RoundUp)
- Glufosinate (Liberty)
23EA32 Enlist E3
- 23 maturity
- Very good emergence and standability
- SCN resistant
- Very good metribuzin tolerance
- Yielded 102.9% of trial average in Stine’s Elite Yield Trial
24EA12 Enlist E3
- 24 maturity
- Very good emergence
- Above average Iron Deficiency Chlorosis tolerance
- Brown Stem Rot and Stem Canker resistant
- Good Sudden Death Syndrome tolerance
27EA23 Enlist E3
- 27 Maturity
- Very good emergence and strong standability in this high performance package
- SCN resistant
- Very Good Sudden Death Syndrome tolerance
- Good Sclerotinia White mold tolerance
28EA02 Enlist E3
- 28 Maturity
- SCN resistant
- Yielded 106% of trial average in Stine’s Elite yield Trial
- Very good Phytophthrora Root Rot tolerance
- Stem Canker resistant
28EB62 Enlist E3
- 28 Maturity
- New in 2020
- Scn resistant
- Rps1k multi-race Phytophthora Root Rot resistance
- Above average Iron Deficiency Chlorosis tolerance
29EA23 Enlist E3
- 29 Maturity
- Rps 1k multi-race Phytophthora Root Rot resistance
- Brown Stem Rot and Stem Canker resistant
- SCN resistant
- Very good emergence and standability
30EA23 Enlist E3
- 30 maturity
- Medium plant height
- Brown Stem Rot and Stem Canker resistant
- Very Good Metribuzin tolerance
- Rps1k multi-race Phytophthora Root Rot resistance
32EA21 Enlist E3
- 32 Maturity
- Very good emergence
- SCN resistant
- Very good Sudden Death Syndrome tolerance
- Above average Metribuzin tolerance
32EB02 Enlist E3
- Outstanding yield potential with very good greensnap tolerance
- Adapts to many soil types
- Good Goss’s tolerance
- Benefits to late applied nitrogen
34EA12 Enlist E3
- 34 Maturity
- SCN resistant
- Very good Phytophthora Root Rot tolerance
- Brown Stem Rot and Stem Canker resistant
- Yielded 104.5% of trial average in Stine’s Elite Yield Trial
35EB02 Enlist E3
- NEW IN 2020
- 35 Maturity
- Very good Phytophthora Root Rot tolerance
- Very good metribuzin tolerance
- SCN resistant
Liberty Link GT27 Stine Soybeans

LibertyLink GT27 Soybeans are herbicide tolerant to the following
- Glyphosate (RoundUp)
- Glufosinate (Liberty)
25GA62 GT27
- 25 Maturity
- Good Iron Deficiency Chlorosis tolerance
- Stem Canker resistant
- Medium plant height
- Very good Phytophthora Root Rot tolerance
26GB02 GT27
- NEW IN 2020
- Very good Phytophthora Root Rot tolerance
- Brown Stem Rot and Stem Canker resistant
- SCN resistant
- Medium to taller than average plant height
27GB02 GT27
- NEW IN 2020
- Yielded 106.1% of trial average in Stine’s Elite Yield Trials
- 27 Maturity
- SCN resistant
- Very Good Phytophthora Root Rot tolerance
31GA13 GT27
- 31 Maturity
- Very good emergence and standability
- Good metribuzin tolerance
- BEST YIELD performance in this maturity 112.4% of trials in Stine’s Yield Trials
- Rps1c Phytophthora Root Rot resistance
33GA13 GT27
- 33 Maturity
- Very Good emergence and standability
- Rps1c Phytophthora Root Rot resistance
- Great yield potential
- Brown stem Rot and stem canker resistant
34GA02 GT27
- 34 Maturity
- Very good emergence and above average standability
- SCN resistant
- Stem Canker resistant
- Good metribuzin tolerance
AgriGold Xtend Soybeans

AgriGold Soybeans are ALL Xtend herbicide tolerant to the following
- Glyphosate ( RoundUp)
- Dicamba
Relative maturity: 2.4
- Great stress tolerance and widely adapted
- Average SDS & WM tolerance
- Place on any soil from Nebraska to Indiana
G2900RX Relative Maturity 2.9
- Out sanding yield potential across broad acres with strong SDS tolerance
- Average standability under highly productive conditions and high populations
- Plant early to take advantage of SDS and Emergence ratings
G3150RX Relative Maturity 3.1
- Excellent yield potential with an adaptable bush style canopy
- Average adaptability in high phytophthora environoments
- Lower plant populations in high yield environments to manage standability
AgriGold Corn

105 Day
- Outstanding yield potential with broad acre adaption
- Very good ear flex allows for adaptation to the tougher acre
- Excellent roots and very good stalk strength
109 Day
- Excellent yield potential with fast dry down
- Widely adapted to most soils
- Excellent Goss’s Wilt tolerance
111 Day
- Outstanding yield potential with a strong agronomic package
- Wide adaptability to most soils & planting environments
- Excellent health, stay green and late season plant intactness
- Doesn’t like wet feet
- Don’t push population
112 Day
- Consistent performance with high yield potential
- Excellent test wight and grain quality
- Adapts to variable soil types and environments
112 Day
- Excellent yield stability in high stress environments
- Outstanding grain quality and test weight
- Versatile hybrid adapted to all production systems
113 Day
- #1 in Line up
- High yield potential under high fertility management
- Excellent Goss’s Wilt tolerance for Western corn Belt
- Very good roots and greensnap tolerance
- Don”t push populations